sábado, 9 de abril de 2011


Well, I am going at the end of this blog. It has been eight thousand worlds. I put on it my own reflections. I admit that almost all of my reflections were about the same theme: Life. But it is what is really important for us, isn’t it? I wrote about two series that I recommend everybody to see, and finally I write about the Slow Movement too. 

Slow Movement

Slow movement is a cultural current that promotes calm human activities. The Slow Movement proposes to take control of time. This is aimed by giving priority to activities that lead to the development of people, finding a balance between the uses of technology and taking time to enjoy activities such as taking a walk or sharing a meal with other people. The believers of this movement think that the most important things in life should not be accelerated. This movement appeared at 1986 in Rome. It was an objection against the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Piazza di Spagna.

Some days ago I have discovered that a mattress company is using this protest to promote itself. The company encouraged two young persons to being locked in a little room with the indispensable elements and a very big bed. Cami has 33 years, she said that she dedicates her life bringing tranquility to the others. Iván, who have 36 years old, agrees with her. Both, Cami and Iván wanted to defend this movement. They want to live without stress. They have a web: www.40diasenlacama.com . In this website you can see them at present time. They both have a blog too. In the blog the write every day, telling us all his movements. According to my knowledge of this protest, I think that each day, they both expend the day doing one theme like: the rural life, driving, traveling, cities, clothes, education…   

I am really impressed about the occurrence of FLEX. This idea has given different feelings. I think that is another silly way to promote the company and it does not worth all the support that they are receiving. After all they are making money with the condition of being in a bed for forty days and staying in front of a webcam. I have to admit that being forty days in front a cam does not be easy for me. What about you? What do you believe? I dare you to give your conclusion there.

The 1000 Mirrors' House

Time ago I heard a beautiful story of a house with a thousand mirrors. I don’t know if it is a popular story but it is a good reflection.

One day, a little friendly dog came in an abandoned house. What was its surprise when it discovered another 1000 little cute doggies looking at it as nice as it. When it barked or wagged his tail, the other dogs answered the dog with the same gestures. ‘What a wonderful place’ –thought the dog- I will have to come here more often.

Another day, another dog came into the house. The other 1000 dogs look at it with mistrust and the dog had a bad sensation and felt that it never want to return back another day.
You are the only responsible of the face that you wear inside and outside you. Some of the most beautiful things are not possible to see or touch; they are felt with the heart.

Dear brother,

Dear brother,
You are not a kid. You are growing up and I passed for that some time ago. You are now a teenager and you can do more and better things. Be aware of this and be careful with what you do because at your age it is really easy to miss yourself. This is a new stage at your destiny; it is a new opportunity for becoming more complete internally. Imagine: it is like an open door in the heaven, you see the clouds (freedom) but you cannot touch them at all. Everything will arrive. What I am trying to say you is that you have to be awake and feel everything passes round you. There is not tomorrow for starting living, there is today. You have to try to demonstrate that you are better at something you like than the others. You must compartmentalize your life from now and choose what kind of person would you like to be. You must remember some important words: love, hate, help and time. LOVE and HATE are two feelings you will have to feel constantly. Luckily there is more love than hate in the life. You know?  A lot of persons are going to pass through your life, the only that worth are people who causes in you whichever of this feelings. Mournfully, there will be another people who will not cause any of these sensations. If you love anyone, you must take care after him or her. If you hate anyone is because of the person you hate someday brought something at your life, you wanted took care after this person but he or she hurts you. Try to fix it up if it has any solution. If it don’t, don’t be worthy about it. Eventually this person will give you equal. Believe me. HELP: sometimes, you will have to help the others and another time you will get help. But you must understand the world ‘help’, because it is really easy to become a weak person who always needs help or to became this kind of person who always is helping and never gets anything in change. Oh! I would like you to remember that time is like money, you should save it, not waste it. With this I don’t want you to say that you are banned to ‘buy’ your whims, of course yes! But only buy these whims that will make you feel happier. Finally, if anything should be clear in your mind is that nothing is impossible. You can be whatever you want. Everything starts in your imagination. You must imagine that you are the best at something and you will be able to achieve to be the best. If not, you only will be a dreamer. Your destiny is full of possibilities; do not miss this opportunity that life gave you. Are you ready? Your life is waiting you and you have to come out and go for her. 


Yesterday night my friends and I decided to listen to the songs that our generation used to sing. We had such a great time signing. Actually, we were arguing about how “instructive” were the Disney’s films which we watched when we were kids. It is true that it made us believe in a princess’ world but it show us a lot of human values. Disney’s films are full of moral contents. Who does not remember the Beauty and the Beast, for example? It shows us believing in the inner beauty. And what about Pocahontas? With this film we learn that we have to love people regardless their race like John Smith and Pocahontas. I could talk about Mulan, the fighter princess too. Or I could talk about The Lion King too. I am able to say a lot of films that contains any positive value to form us spiritually. But now, the films are changing. I think (and my friends too) that the kids are not enjoying the typical instructive animation films. Now these kind of films are about aliens, super villains and children who save the world with the company of a robot. It is quite different. And what about the Disney’s soundtracks? Almost all of my generation could sing at least one of the lots of soundtracks of these films, the songs had a very big moral value and they were catchiest. And now? Now nothing of these happens.


Well, the exams are going nearer and nearer. We have a lot of tasks to do and I am so stressed. I have panic at the exams and I am thinking how I can study and do all the things that I have to. Time ago I decided to make my own schedule of the homework that I have to do. Everything was perfect but today and part of yesterday I had problems. Almost all the homework depends on Internet, the Aula virtual, information, the homework of Documentación EVERYTHING that I had already planned for these two days. New technologies are good, are useless and faster than the other media for searching information and read news … But, on the other hand, I would like to say that sometimes these technologies fail. Sometimes the information which are we looking for is not correct at all because of everybody is internet. Sometimes Internet fails and if it happens, it will make me spend a lot of time with my homework. This is just the fact that was happening to me for 2 followed days. I think that is increasing our dependency from internet and this is bad. We think that Google is the world (OF COURSE NOT).  Is very comfortable and easy to use but it can make you to make mistakes. It makes me spend two whole afternoons and I became stressed. Finally, at night, the problems on the red were fixed and I decided to spend all the night (since 5 AM) doing part of the homework and I realized that I need more than 24 hours a day to get it all. But I’m sure that I can! I always can, though it costs me a lot and although I couldn’t sleep enough. 

How I Met Your Mother

First of all I want to say that this series have been very criticized because of his similarities with ‘Friends’ another American sitcom that was running between 1994 and 2004.

The sitcom reflects the story of how the main character, Ted, met the mother of his two sons. The present Ted is at the year 2030, and decides to tell his sons the story of how he met their mother and the story starts at 2004, when he met Robin Schertbastsky. Since that day, Ted will live a huge number of adventures together with his friends: Marshall, Lily, Barney and Robin. He would meet a lot of different woman in order to marry with one of them and lay his head down. The sitcom is now running; actually the 6th season is being broadcasted at the moment. I recommend you to see this series if you want to laugh and pass a great time.


Because we do not want find big answers at the end of the day. We just want to find little consolations. Over all that happen us in life, far above all our experiences, unresolved questions, regrets, doubts, decisions, failures, achievements, dislikes, satisfactions… deep inside everybody of us just need and want is not to die alone, die in peace and feel that our life worth.

Goodbye Lost

It is said that is based in a magic island. This island keeps inside the light of life, the dead, the reincarnation, the time… It needs care and protection because of its importance. The problem is that its protectors have to be humans. But, humans are not perfect. Who can blame them?
The history of Lost is based in a serious mistake. The mistake was committed for a woman who was the guardian of the island. This woman killed another woman and steals his two babies in order to become one of them in the future guardian. But the woman is not able to educate her adoptive sons. She was murdered by Samuel, one of his “sons”. The place of guardian was being free. Samuel and his brother (Jacob) just faced up forever, and besides they both cannot be killed for the other one.
Jacob wanted the revenge of the murder of his mother so he pushed his brother down into the hole she had to protect. The hole contained the light. Jacob causes the physical death of his brother and became Black Smoke. Samuel suffered something worse than the death. To create a “person” apparently immortal, crazy, and with the desire of revenge is Jacob’s mistake. This new Samuel wants to go out of the island though it means to brank it off.
The mysterious of the island attracts people and companies like Dharma which make a huge series of experiments with electromagnetism. It had been passing years and years of fights between both brothers since their mother died. Jacob knows that his brother will find the way to kill him and because of this he have the obligation to find another guardian of the island in order to preserve it because of this, Jacob allows people to stay in the island. He always tries solitary people who were lost on his life and even could find their salvation in the island. He chooses this kind of person because the ones who have a happy life will not want to stay in the island forever. It is just an act of egoism because he wants to repair his mistake and he does not care about how many lives will end up with because of it. People from different countries and religions had been staying into the island though the real task which the guardian must do is to take care of it and not allow anyone to enter in it. However Jacob was convinced about the goodness of the humanity and he was sure that he finally will get to find the appropriate person who is able to take care of the island in the way he does not know how to make it. Over the centuries Jacob gets to join a group of people (It is called The Others) to face up the Black Smoke. The presence of people in the island attracts the other people to go on it.
This puts us in the starting point of the series. We can see a plane accident. The flight 815 of Oceanic airlines fell down because of an accumulation of facts, or at best, because of the destiny. More than 40 persons were able to survive to the accident. From among this survivors, Jacob had been choose some candidates, like he have been doing last centuries. It might be the destiny which doesn’t allow Desmond to press the key and this fact was possibly the cause of the accident. In fact, the survivors took the plain just for running away from themselves. Lost is the story of the lives of every survivor and the stories of everyone who stays in the island as The Others or the workers from Dharma’s Company amongst others. We are going to know about what they are escaping for and we are going to understand his behavior on the island in the course of the series. Lost is after all the history of regret. Everyone in the island achieves feeling good with himself or herself. The stay at the island makes changes on the survivors because of their adventures, experiences and the people who they met there. They face up with their fears and panics. They achieve not having the necessity to go away of themselves or to escape from the island. They manage to be happy with their lives. Actually, they travel to the past for trying to change their present and future and they achieve provoking the accident of the flight 815 of Oceanic Airlines but they do not know it. Some of them manage to survive from all the adventures and all the deaths and sacrifices that the island and his inhabitants had made to end up with. The main cause of all this deaths was Black Smoke because he put ones against the others and made a revolution between all the ‘populations’ of the island. Finally, Jacob dies because of the conspiracy of Black Smoke who had convinced a huge number of persons for killing him discussing that Jacob is a bad person who wants to kill them and it does not matter the price. Finally, despite the death of Jacob, he was able to find the perfect guardian of the island: Hurley. Hurley was a kind and happy person who wonder his enemy to take care for the island all together. This is an example of something that Jacob did not know how to do because of his selfness. Finally I would comment that Lost is a history of death and overcoming. The characters accept their mistakes and they dream with the life that they could have got someday. Only when they accept the huge changes that the island has made on them and only when the feel the good influence that the other people that we met on the island, they will be prepared for advance.  Are they going to the purgatory? Are they going to become ghosts? Are they going to reincarnate in an animal? Each religion says us different explanations, and each person has one vision about the previous minutes of the death and about what is really death. Lost had taught us about the good and the bad things, the faith and the science, the life and the death, the chance and fate, but always in the point of view of some characters.


It is said that everybody dreams at night. Some dreams are good, other dreams are bad and generally a few are so horrible that you need to forget them. Sometimes you have the feeling of having fulfilled a dream, sometimes you think how glad you are because of being wake up from this bad dream. But, do you know what? There are people who live in a constant nightmare practically all the time and they are wishing to sleep because this moment is the only moment that they could dream in a better life and thinking these is her real life and it is nice to be there. It is just for this that I want to encourage you to be glad and grateful for all those things that make your life a dream for others.
I dare you to chase and hunt your dreams like a haunter caught his prey. Can you hear me? Live until the rest of your life. When I am talking about living I mean that you have to squeeze every hour and every second of your life and enjoy it. You live only once, and although it is the most eternal thing for every person, I can told you that it is not enough. 


Have you ever feel fear? I am not thinking on the fear that feels a kid when he believes in monsters or ghosts that are hided in their closet or under their beds. I am not thinking about the panic that causes a horror film. I am just referring at the fear of: one world: NO, fear of making a mistake, fear of give too many things and get nothing in return, fear of becoming a dreamer, fear of having any expectation and fear because of all your plans and hopes fall down with a simple snap of fingers, fear of losing again, fear of living what you lived once and what you wish not ever been repeated. But life is life. Living is the more eternal action, and that’s why you have to learn how to fall and get up. You are going to lose and you are going to make mistakes, life without all of this would not make any sense. You have to risk, if you do not risk, you will be sorry for that things that you will not going to make because of the panic. So give up the fear and never be afraid. I will be always with you. We can together. 

False Famous Last Words

Do you know what? Sometimes the facts don’t be like we hope, I think that the famous last words of every fairy tale: ‘… and they live happily ever after’ don’t exist. I think that how really have importance is to be happy at present, to be happy right know. It is possible that how you are waiting will not ever arrive. But you must know that new facts are going to occur. You never know what the future will hope for you. Over the time, I learnt that you do not worth worry about the past, whatever happened, happened. You should not be worry about the future, only live the present and keep on all the good things. Sadness is completely useless, don’t eat your mind, it will not solve your problems. And remember that thinking about past, you cannot change the present. If I were you, I was concerned about take pleasure at present. Time tell us what will be coming later. Seize the day or die regretting the time you have lost. 


Do you remember my entry on the blog called: `Friends`? Well, yesterday I achieve met all my friends. We haven’t been altogether since Christmas Eve. It was great the feeling of: like old times. I do miss those moments.


To have the sensation of running countercurrent, like in a treadmill in which one, however you want to run, you’re always at the same point. When all could be worst and each time you have to run more and more, put more commitment for arrive, until you become tired, until your legs do not respond and until your lungs do not work enough and you let go of the bar, leaving you, going far away of all. It is like wage a long battle in which you are sure that you are going to lose. This is just fight against the time. Time runs, passes, causes pain, tramples on you… don’t forgive that. Time does not stop even you  wish it with all of your strength, even you close your eyes and put all of your concentration on it. The only thing you can get is to go back on that moment, go back at that day, at that place and remind all that you have lived, but only on your mind. Time talks, time tells you the truth and the lies. There is nothing than could deceive the time. Time puts everybody on his place. Time could give all and then snatch all away again. It is cruel; it separates you from what you want someday. Time could make that nothing will ever be the same.


First, I really like to say how my life has change since I was admitted at university. I used to live in Valencia, a big city. I used to live with my parents and I have always gone at the same school with the same partners and friends. Now, my life has changed: I live in Castellón, a small city; I live in a minor hostel with approximately 90 partners and besides I move on at almost 80 kilometers back home. Now I only have the opportunity to see my family and friends in my weekend’s free time. I feel how my life is moving on too with my studies. I have always believed that being admitted at university could change one person’s life but now I can see that it is a huge change: friends, family… I only have two days to spend with them and sometimes I can’t share out my time for everybody. Bit by bit I feel that my friends now, people who I’m sharing the experiences of my life, are in Castellón. I really love my old friends but sometimes I notice the distance between us and I miss them.

Back to the blog

Hi! I’m back. I have to write again a minimum of 4000 words although this time I want to change the theme of the blog. I’m not going to talk about films’ premiers, I just going to talk about whatever passes through my mind each day. 

jueves, 6 de enero de 2011


Title: Exorcismus
Genre: Horror
Directed by Manuel Carballo.
Script: David Muñoz
Stars: Sophie Vevasseur, Stephen Billington, Lazzaro Oertli, Richard Felix, Jo anne Stockham, Douglas Bradley, Tommy Bastow, Isamaya French, Emma Reynolds, Claudia Costas…
Nationality: Spain


Emma is tired of studying at home instead of going to school. She is tired of baby-sitting her little brother and she is tires of his parents too.
Emma’s parents are overprotective, agnostics and too strict with their children’s education. It is just for that that Emma wants a different life; she wants to be free…
Inexplicably, Emma begins to suffer strange attacks. Her parents attributed these attacks to psychological problems, but she knows that these attacks have a very different origin. Emma knows that something terrible is inside her. Emma wanted to be free… There are some things that are best don’t desire ever.

The Tourist

Title: The Tourist
Genre: Thriller
Directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
Script: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, Christopher McQuarri, Julian Feloowes
Stars: Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Paul Bettany, Timothy Dalton, Steven Berkoff, Rufus Sewell, Christian De Sica.
Nationality: USA, France


This movie is a remake of the French thriller Anthony Zimmer. (2005)
Frank (Johnny Depp), during an improvised trip to Europe for repair his broken heart, is unexpectedly flirting with Elise (Angelina Jolie). Elise is an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses in his way.
Paris and Venice are the fantastic and stunning background where both fall in love while they find themselves in a deadly game of cat and mouse.

Gulliver's Travels

Title: Gulliver’s Travels
Directed by Rob Letterman
Producted by: Gavin Bocquet
Country: USA
Genre:  Comedy, adventures
Script: Joe Stillman, Nicholas Stoller


Lemuel Gulliver is a writer who works like an email dealer in an important newspaper of New York. He dreams with become a travel editor. It is just for this that he decides to embark in an adventure towards The Bermuda Triangle. But, a horrible storm will drag him at a lost island, Liliput, which is habited by very small persons. The Giant Gulliver becomes an inspiration for his tiny friends. Gulliver must reach an agreement with his own flaws to finally leave his own little world while he leads to the Lilliputians to a victory over the nearby enemy island, fighting versus a mechanical giant.

Little Fockers

Title: Little Fockers
Directed by Paul Weitz
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Script: John Hamburg, Larry Stuckey
Stars: Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson


This movie is the third part of a series of films called: Meet the parents (2000) Meet the Fockers (2004). Ten years later of the last film, Greg (Ben Stiller) achieves the confidence of his exigent father-in-law Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro). Greg applies for a job in a pharmaceutical company because of the bad economic situation that he and his family are passing. However the misgivings of Jack return towards his favorite nurse. Jack must demonstrate to the skeptic Jack that he is totally able to be the man of the house. But, with all the misunderstandings, the spy and the secret missions, will the circle of confidence be break up forever? or probably, Greg could pass the final exam oh Jack and became the next patriarch?

Three Meter Above the Sky

Title: Three Meters Above the Sky
Original title: 3 metros sobre el cielo.
Genre: drama
Directed by Fernando González Molina
Script: Ramón Salazar
Stars: Mario Casas, María Valverde, Álvaro Cervantes, Marina Salas, Pablo Rivero, Diego Martín, Luis Fernández
Nationality: Spain


Baby is a young girl from a good family. She has been educated in innocence and goodness and always into the rules. Hache is a rebellious, impulsive boy. His lifestyle consists in the risk. He loves the illegal motorcycle races. They both are from opposite words, but they will live a wonderful impossible love which will drag them in a feeling’s spiral. At this situation, can you feel that you are flying three meters above the sky?

Tron Legacy

Title: Tron Legacy
Genre: Action, science-fiction
Directed by Joseph Kosinski
Script: Steven Lisberger
Actors: Olivia Wilde, John Hurt, Jeff Bridges.
Nationality: USA


This movie is the second part of Tron. Tron is a high-technology adventure in 3D. It is placed in somewhere in a digital world. It doesn’t seem anything seen before in the screen. Sam Flynn (Garret Hedlund) is an expert on technology; he is Kevin Flynn’s son. When he investigated the disappearance of his father, he entered in the same world of violent programs and war games where his father has been living for 25 years. They both live an adventure of live or death through a cyber-universe that is becoming more and more dangerous, along their loyal confident.

Black Lightning

Original title: Balada triste de trompeta
Title: Black Lightning.
Genre: Comedy
Directed by Álex de La Iglesia
Script: Álex de La Iglesia
Actors: Antonio de la Torre, Sancho Gracia, Juan Luis Galiardo, Enrique Villén, Santiago Segura, Fernando Guillén Cuervo.
Nationality: Spain

1937. The monkeys stay in their cages while, outdoors, men are killing themselves in another circus: the Spanish Civil War. The silliest clown in the circus was forcibly recruited by militants. He perpetrates a butcher with a machete among the ranks of the National Bann without taking off his costume. Just like that, Javier and Sergio who were two terrifying and disfigured clowns, face the death by the ambiguous love of a dancer during the era of Franco.


Title: Burlesque
Genre: Music
Directed by Steven Antin
Script: Susannah Grant, Steven Antin, Keith Merryman.
Actors: Christina Aguilera, Kristen Bell, Cam Gigandet, Eric Dane, Stanley Tucci, Cher, Alan Cumming, Peter Gallagher.
Nationality: USA


Ali (Christina Aguilera) is a girl who manages to escape of her life for pursuing her dreams in Los Angeles. She applies for a job in Burlesque Lounge. She works as a waitress. At this place, he met Tess (Cher). Thanks her friendships, he gets to the stage where her great voice can restore the majesty of Burlesque Lounge.

Home for Christmas

Title: Home for Christmas
Genre: Comedy
Directed by Ben Hamer
Script: Ben Hamer
Actors:  Arianit Berisha, Sany Lesmeister, Nadja Soukup, Nina Zanjani, Igor Necemer, Trond Fausa Aurvag, Fridtjov Saheim, Morten Ilseng Risnes, Sarah Bintu Sakor, Issaka Sawadogo, Joachim Calmeyer, Reidar Sorensen, Nina Andresen-Borud
Country: Norway


Several characters are living in the little town of Skigli (Norway). These characters intersect their lives. They represent a wide range of ages and social classes, mixing humor with tragedy, despair, tenderness. They are open to forgiveness and hope. The different histories explore love at different ages and in all its phases, from birth to death


Title: Biutiful
Genre: Drama
Directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu
Script: Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Armando Bo
Stars: Javier Bardem, Maricel Álvarez and Hanaa Bouchaib
Country: Mexico


This is a story of a man in free fall. On the road to redemption, darkness lights his way. Connected with another world, Uxbal is a tragic hero and father of two kids. He feels the danger of death. He struggle against a harsh reality and a destiny that goes against him in order to forgive.


Title: Bruc
Genre: Adventures
Directed by Daniel Benmayor
Script: Patxi Amézcua, Jordi Gasull
Stars: Juan José Ballesta, Vincent Perez, Santi Millán, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey, Nicolas Giraus, Moussa Maskri, Jerome Le Banner, Francesc Albiol, Marcel Borrás, Albert Vidal, Justin  Blanckaert.
Nacionality: Spain

When the Napoleon’s army discovers that their first defeat was caused by a mountain boy, a coal who caused panic among his troops, send six thousand battle-hardened mercenaries on a mission: catch Napoleon in the Montserrat’s mountains and cut his head. He wanted hang her head on the pace of the town. After killing their loved ones and frighten all the people with threats, they start looking for him in the Montserrat’s mountains.
                Bruc (Juan José Ballesta) must fight alone for the first time to keep alive and to avenge his family. He becomes in a symbol of liberty and hope for his country that differences him in a hero who got defeated the invincible army of Napoleon Bonaparte. 

The King's Speech

Title: The King’s Speech
Genre: Historic drama
Directed by Tom Hooker
Script: David Seidler
Stars: Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonhman, Jennifer Ehle, Guy Pearce, Derek Jacobi, Timothy Spall, Michael Gambon, Anthony Andrews.
Nationality: U.K and AUSTRALIA


After the death of his father, king George V (Michael Gambon) and the scandalous abdication of Prince Edward VII (Guy Perce), Bertie (Colin Firth), always affected by a harrowing stuttering, suddenly ascends to the throne like George VI of England. His country is on the bridge of the war and it urgently needs a leader, so his wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), the future Queen Mother, puts her in contact with a known speech therapist Lionel Longue. (Geoffrey Rush) Despite the initial shock, both are immersed in an unorthodox therapy  which will take to establish an unbreakable bond. With the support of Logue, his family, his govern and Winston Churchill (Timothy Spall), the King overcomes her conditions and pronounces a radio argument that will inspire the town and joined it in battle.

Little King Macius

Title: Little King Macius
Genre: animation, fantasy
Directed by Sandor Jesse, Lutz Stutzner
Script: Hans-Werner Honert, Inès Keerl


Little King Macius receives the scepter and the king’s power after the death of his father. Macius will discover, slowly, that all children’s dream of sit down in a throne and lead is not easy as it seem. He will face up the General who will make the king’s life impossible to snatch him the throne.
                With a tune of humor, engine and enchant, his professor and friends of the city will help him to make his dream come true, the dream of form a children’s paradise.

Loose Cannons

Title: Loose Cannons
Original title: Mine Vaganti
Genre: Comedy, drama
Directed by Ferzan Ozpetek
Script: Ivan Cotroneo, Ferzan Ozpetek
Stars: Riccardo Scamarcio, Nicole Grimauso, Alessandro Preziosi, Ennio Fantaschini.


Tommaso is the youngest member of the large and eccentric family Cantone. They own a pasta factory in Plugia. His mother Stefania is a lovely woman but she is stifled by bourgeois conventions. His father Vincenzo has some exorbitant expectations about his sons. His aunt Luciana is an eccentric woman. His sister Elena is a frustrated housewife. His brother Antonio works with Tommaso’s father in the pasta company. Finally, his grandmother is trapped in the memory of an impossible love.
                Tommaso is an aspiring writer. He returns to Rome for an important family dinner in which his father would deliver the direction of the factory to him and his brother. Tommaso plans to announce at dinner that he is gay. But this night, when he wants ask for silence, his brother advances him and reveals his own secret. Incenzo kicked him out of home, family and factory.

Mao's Last Dancer

Title: Mao’s Last Dancer
Genre: Drama
Directed by Bruce Beresford
Script: Jan Sardi
Stars: Bruce Green wood, Kyle MacLachlan, Joan Chen, Chi Cao, Wang Shuang Bao, Chengwu Guo, Huang Wen Bin, Aden Young, Madeleine Eastoe, Camilla Vergotis, Penne Hackforth-Jones
Nationality: Australia


This movie is based on the autobiography of Li Cunxin Mao’s Last Dancer.
It is an inspiring true story that tells how, in the middle of the chaos of the Cultural Revolution in China, Cunxin has to leave their family. He is from a family of farmers. He embarks on an amazing travel… which ended up moving toward freedom and personal triumph.
Li’s history unfolds when China was emerging from Mao’s great vision. It couldn’t be better time for Li Cunxin for discover the West, and for the West discovers Li Cunxin.  Mao’s Last Dancer tells us how Li’s get to overcome the adversity, and how he discovered ans esplored their natural abilities and talent as a classical dancer. To do this, he not only have to deal with their own physical limitations, but also with the punishment imposed by the Chinese suspicious government after his defection to the United States. In the USA, Li found a fascinating new world, in spite of the difficulty that he had never imagined. Although he had the support of many friends, she felt alone, and, despite his growing fame, he could still see their future with uncertainly.

Tales From the Golden Age

Title: Tales From the Golden Age
Genre: Comedy
Directed by Cristian Mungiu.
Script: Ioana Uricaru, Hanno Höffer, Razvan Marculescu, Constantin Popescu and Cristian Mungiu.
Stars: Alexandru Potocean, Teo Corban, Emanuel Pirvu, Avram Birau, Paul Dunca, Viorel Comanici, Vladimir Ivanov, Tania Popa, Liliana Mocanu, Ion Sapdaru, Virginia Mirea, Gabriel Spahiu, Diana Cavalioti, Radu Iacoban.
Nationality: Romania.


                The last fifteen years of the Ceausescu’s regime were the worst in the history of Romania. However, the propaganda machine of the time inevitably referred to that period as “the golden age”.
                Before the visits of Ceausescu, the mayors of the towns have to work hard to highlight their villages and also the have to follow the orders of the most extravagant fanatic party activists that make pre-hearing inspection official. According to the international rules of the Communist Party in public images, the president Ceausescu cannot take his hat off to the representatives of the corrupt capitalist world, including President Giscard d’Estaing. A hens’ carrier decides to open his trailer trucked for the first time and discover a link between eggs, Easter and conjugal love. A policeman received a pig as a Christmas present and he decides that the best form of kill it, silently and without alerting his neighbors, is to poison it with gas. In the Romania of the 80sBughi and Crina dedicated to dupe people into believing that air of neighbors and sell them.
This is the perfect combination of several true stories that go back to a time when food was more important than money, freedom more important than love and survival more important than principles.

Magic Silver

Title: Magic Silver
Original title: Julenatt i Blafjell
Genre: Adventures, fantasy
Directed by Katarina Launing, Roar Uthaug
Script: Gudny Hagen, Thomas Moldestad
Stars: Simen Bakken, Sigve Boe, Nikoline Ursin Erichsen.
Nationality: Norwegian


                This movie is based on the successful series of television.
                The princess Bluerose is a little gnome who lives in the mountains. There, a gnomes’ community is responsible for controlling the passage from night to day during magic hour, thanks to silver magic that only they possess. One day, a group of gnomes and humans steal the silver, condemning the world to live in darkness forever


Title: Franklyn
Genre: Drama, Thriller, Science fiction.
Directed by Gerald McMorrow
Script: Gerald McMorrow
Stars: Eva Green, Ryan Phillippe, Sam Riley, Bernard Hill, Susanna York.
Nationality: U.K, France.


Jonathan Preest (Ryan Phillippe) is the masked vigilant of Middle City which is a world where religion is the only law and living in hiding of the Clergy while he is following the trail of a mysterious man known as “The Individual”. Nowadays, in London, there are three persons roam the streets, facing their own ghosts: Emilia (Eva Green) is a beautiful art student who filmed their suidicide attemps as an academic exercise, Milo (Sam Riley) is ayoung man whos looks desperately for revive the purity of the first love ans Esser (Bernard Hill) is a newcomer to the city, he is ready to find his rebellious son among the homeless of London.

Todas las canciones hablan de mi.

Title: Todas las canciones hablan de mí.
Genre: Comedy
Directed by Jonás Trueba
Script: Jonás Trueba, Daniel Gascón.
Stars: Oriol Vila, Bárbara Lennie, Ramón Fontserè, Bruno Bergonzini, Valeria Alonso, Ángela Cremonte, Miriam Giovanelli.
Nationality: Spain.

It is a romantic comedy but without the cliché boy meet girl. The premise would be rather “boy wants to forget a girl”, it is something much harder to bear, especially when the girls when the girl that you just splits up is the character if your memories and you start thinking that all the songs talk about you.

When You're Strange

Title: When You’re Strange
Genre: Musical Documental.
Directed by Tom DiCillo
Script: Tom Dicillo
Stars: Johnny Depp (narrator), John Densmore, Robby Krieger, Ray Manzarek, Jim Morrison.
Nationality: USA

This is the first documental movie about The Doors. It tells us the story of one of the most obscure and dangerous band that have ever existed in the world of rock and roll.
                Using only original material, mostly unpublished and filmed in large part by the same Morrison between 1966 and 1971 –period of existence of the group -, the director, Tom DiCillo, lodged the band and its context at 1960 in America. The documental haven’t got present interviews. The movie promotes the immediacy and modernity of itself as a movie. Narrated by Johnny Depp, the film opens a window to the world of the excesses of fame, drugs and alcohol in a group that triumphed but always stood firm in his belief to be true to the music. Although the life of Jim Morrison, busy and full of excess, marked the film guide, in fact is the story of four musicians: Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger and John Densmore. The four, thanks to their insistence, their artistic freedom and their commitment to the fashions, managed to become the benchmark for a generation (and do many generations later), marking an epoch.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Title: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Genre: Adventures, fantasy
Directed by Michael Apted
Script: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Richard LaGravenese, Michael Petroni.
Stars: Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes, Georgie Henley, Will Poulter, Eddie Izzard, Peter Dinklarge, Simon Pegg, Gary Sweet…
Nationality: USA


This movie is the third part of a series of the adaptation of the book series created by CS Lewis.
                Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace where they will meet again with the old prince who now is King Caspian.
                Together they will embark on the search for the seven missing Lords of Narnia. This is a voyage that will take them to cross the seas on the ship “The Dawn Treader”.
                On the way, they will meet with dragons, dwarves, magical islands and a band of lost warriors before reaching the end of the world.


Title: Megamind
Genre: Animation, comedy
Directed by Tom McGrath
Script: Alan Schoolcraft, Brent Simons
Stars: [Voices] Brad Pitt, Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, Ben Stiller.
Nationality: USA


Megamind is the brighter super villain that the world has ever known but also the least successful. During some years, he has been trying to conquer Metro City in any imaginable way. Megamind always failed, because the action of a superhero with a cape called “Metro Man”. Metro Man is an invincible hero until the day when Megamind kills him during one of his wicked and devious plans. Suddenly, Megamind ran out objectives. He is a super villain without a super hero. He realizes that having accomplished the dream of his live is the worst thing that ever happened to him. Megamind decides that the only way out of his stagnation is to create a new opponent hero called Titan. Titan is bigger, better and stronger than Metro Man. Quickly, the new hero began to think that it’s funnier being a bad guy than a good one. Titan doesn’t want to conquer the world; he only wants to destroy it. So Megamind have to decide: Will he defeat his evil creation? Will the smartest man in the world have an intelligent decision once for all? Will the evil genius become the unlikely hero of their own history?

From the producers of: “Shrek”, “Madagascar” and “Kung Fu Panda”. 


Title: Mystikal
Genre: Adventures, Fantasy.
Directed by Ángel Alonso
Script: Joan Álvarez
Stars: Iban Garate, Savitri Ceballos, Ramón Agirre.
Nationality: Spain


                In a past edge, in an imaginary world dominated by the shadows, three wizards manage to defeat the evil and put him in three Pandora’s boxes. Each wizard must save and protect with their own life one of the boxes: war, pest and hunger. If the spectra manage to free oneself, gates’ hell which drive to the death will open.
                An act of stupidity of Eldyn, she released to the warlord who moves up to join his brothers, plague and hunger. The desperation and the horror takes hold of its inhabitants. The end of times is near.
                Eldyn is a dwarf magician’s learner. Fira is a fary.  Both together with Evaristo and the dragon must save the world. They undertake an adventure that will change their lives forever. Their mission is to return the spectra to their boxes. They will enter into the magical forest where they meet colorful characters and they face up many dangers.


Title: Neds
Genre: Drama
Directed by Peter Mullan
Script: Peter Mullan
Stars: Steven Robertson, Martin Bell, Marcus Nash.
Nationality: United Kingdom


Glasgow, 1973. John McGill is going to start high school. He is a smart, sensitive boy.  He has a desire to learn, but nothing seems to favor him. His family is really poor, and his father, whom he hates, is a drunkard brute guy. Teachers are against him since the begginig. He was punished for the “sins” of his older brother, Benny.
The Neds, “Non-Educated Delinquent”.  They are armed bad guys: cheap drugs, glam rock, sex, violence and camaraderie. They are the local monsters and heroes. The protection of his brother Benny is protecting him. John, frightened and resentful, makes a decision. If anyone wants to give him a chance, fuck them! He plunges in the wild life of the street.
The ranger and frustration lead him farther and farther, until being alone against a blank wall. There isn’t future. Then, an unexpected and extraordinary opportunity comes to redeem him.

El idioma imposible

Title: El idioma imposible.
Genre: Drama
Directed by Rodrigo Rodero
Script: Michel Gaztambide, Rodrigo Rodero
Stars:  Andrés Gertrudix, Irene Escolar, Helena Miquel, Karra Elejalde, Roger Pera, Isabel Ampudia, Natalia Mateo, Pau Cólera, Toni Álamo, Raquel González.


Fernando is living in the middle of red light district of Barcelona. He seeks his life peddling amphetamines and alternating with a peculiar gallery of sinister characters. In one of those stolen sunrises of the live, Fernando will meet Elsa. Elsa is a sweet teenager with a strange and self-destructive personality. She will become the grater addiction of Fernando’s life.
They together will try to survive in a shadowy Barcelona which at the end of the day is taken by the society’s renegades and their particular codes.