sábado, 9 de abril de 2011


First, I really like to say how my life has change since I was admitted at university. I used to live in Valencia, a big city. I used to live with my parents and I have always gone at the same school with the same partners and friends. Now, my life has changed: I live in Castellón, a small city; I live in a minor hostel with approximately 90 partners and besides I move on at almost 80 kilometers back home. Now I only have the opportunity to see my family and friends in my weekend’s free time. I feel how my life is moving on too with my studies. I have always believed that being admitted at university could change one person’s life but now I can see that it is a huge change: friends, family… I only have two days to spend with them and sometimes I can’t share out my time for everybody. Bit by bit I feel that my friends now, people who I’m sharing the experiences of my life, are in Castellón. I really love my old friends but sometimes I notice the distance between us and I miss them.

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