sábado, 9 de abril de 2011


Well, the exams are going nearer and nearer. We have a lot of tasks to do and I am so stressed. I have panic at the exams and I am thinking how I can study and do all the things that I have to. Time ago I decided to make my own schedule of the homework that I have to do. Everything was perfect but today and part of yesterday I had problems. Almost all the homework depends on Internet, the Aula virtual, information, the homework of Documentación EVERYTHING that I had already planned for these two days. New technologies are good, are useless and faster than the other media for searching information and read news … But, on the other hand, I would like to say that sometimes these technologies fail. Sometimes the information which are we looking for is not correct at all because of everybody is internet. Sometimes Internet fails and if it happens, it will make me spend a lot of time with my homework. This is just the fact that was happening to me for 2 followed days. I think that is increasing our dependency from internet and this is bad. We think that Google is the world (OF COURSE NOT).  Is very comfortable and easy to use but it can make you to make mistakes. It makes me spend two whole afternoons and I became stressed. Finally, at night, the problems on the red were fixed and I decided to spend all the night (since 5 AM) doing part of the homework and I realized that I need more than 24 hours a day to get it all. But I’m sure that I can! I always can, though it costs me a lot and although I couldn’t sleep enough. 

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