sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

False Famous Last Words

Do you know what? Sometimes the facts don’t be like we hope, I think that the famous last words of every fairy tale: ‘… and they live happily ever after’ don’t exist. I think that how really have importance is to be happy at present, to be happy right know. It is possible that how you are waiting will not ever arrive. But you must know that new facts are going to occur. You never know what the future will hope for you. Over the time, I learnt that you do not worth worry about the past, whatever happened, happened. You should not be worry about the future, only live the present and keep on all the good things. Sadness is completely useless, don’t eat your mind, it will not solve your problems. And remember that thinking about past, you cannot change the present. If I were you, I was concerned about take pleasure at present. Time tell us what will be coming later. Seize the day or die regretting the time you have lost. 

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