sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

The 1000 Mirrors' House

Time ago I heard a beautiful story of a house with a thousand mirrors. I don’t know if it is a popular story but it is a good reflection.

One day, a little friendly dog came in an abandoned house. What was its surprise when it discovered another 1000 little cute doggies looking at it as nice as it. When it barked or wagged his tail, the other dogs answered the dog with the same gestures. ‘What a wonderful place’ –thought the dog- I will have to come here more often.

Another day, another dog came into the house. The other 1000 dogs look at it with mistrust and the dog had a bad sensation and felt that it never want to return back another day.
You are the only responsible of the face that you wear inside and outside you. Some of the most beautiful things are not possible to see or touch; they are felt with the heart.

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