sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Goodbye Lost

It is said that is based in a magic island. This island keeps inside the light of life, the dead, the reincarnation, the time… It needs care and protection because of its importance. The problem is that its protectors have to be humans. But, humans are not perfect. Who can blame them?
The history of Lost is based in a serious mistake. The mistake was committed for a woman who was the guardian of the island. This woman killed another woman and steals his two babies in order to become one of them in the future guardian. But the woman is not able to educate her adoptive sons. She was murdered by Samuel, one of his “sons”. The place of guardian was being free. Samuel and his brother (Jacob) just faced up forever, and besides they both cannot be killed for the other one.
Jacob wanted the revenge of the murder of his mother so he pushed his brother down into the hole she had to protect. The hole contained the light. Jacob causes the physical death of his brother and became Black Smoke. Samuel suffered something worse than the death. To create a “person” apparently immortal, crazy, and with the desire of revenge is Jacob’s mistake. This new Samuel wants to go out of the island though it means to brank it off.
The mysterious of the island attracts people and companies like Dharma which make a huge series of experiments with electromagnetism. It had been passing years and years of fights between both brothers since their mother died. Jacob knows that his brother will find the way to kill him and because of this he have the obligation to find another guardian of the island in order to preserve it because of this, Jacob allows people to stay in the island. He always tries solitary people who were lost on his life and even could find their salvation in the island. He chooses this kind of person because the ones who have a happy life will not want to stay in the island forever. It is just an act of egoism because he wants to repair his mistake and he does not care about how many lives will end up with because of it. People from different countries and religions had been staying into the island though the real task which the guardian must do is to take care of it and not allow anyone to enter in it. However Jacob was convinced about the goodness of the humanity and he was sure that he finally will get to find the appropriate person who is able to take care of the island in the way he does not know how to make it. Over the centuries Jacob gets to join a group of people (It is called The Others) to face up the Black Smoke. The presence of people in the island attracts the other people to go on it.
This puts us in the starting point of the series. We can see a plane accident. The flight 815 of Oceanic airlines fell down because of an accumulation of facts, or at best, because of the destiny. More than 40 persons were able to survive to the accident. From among this survivors, Jacob had been choose some candidates, like he have been doing last centuries. It might be the destiny which doesn’t allow Desmond to press the key and this fact was possibly the cause of the accident. In fact, the survivors took the plain just for running away from themselves. Lost is the story of the lives of every survivor and the stories of everyone who stays in the island as The Others or the workers from Dharma’s Company amongst others. We are going to know about what they are escaping for and we are going to understand his behavior on the island in the course of the series. Lost is after all the history of regret. Everyone in the island achieves feeling good with himself or herself. The stay at the island makes changes on the survivors because of their adventures, experiences and the people who they met there. They face up with their fears and panics. They achieve not having the necessity to go away of themselves or to escape from the island. They manage to be happy with their lives. Actually, they travel to the past for trying to change their present and future and they achieve provoking the accident of the flight 815 of Oceanic Airlines but they do not know it. Some of them manage to survive from all the adventures and all the deaths and sacrifices that the island and his inhabitants had made to end up with. The main cause of all this deaths was Black Smoke because he put ones against the others and made a revolution between all the ‘populations’ of the island. Finally, Jacob dies because of the conspiracy of Black Smoke who had convinced a huge number of persons for killing him discussing that Jacob is a bad person who wants to kill them and it does not matter the price. Finally, despite the death of Jacob, he was able to find the perfect guardian of the island: Hurley. Hurley was a kind and happy person who wonder his enemy to take care for the island all together. This is an example of something that Jacob did not know how to do because of his selfness. Finally I would comment that Lost is a history of death and overcoming. The characters accept their mistakes and they dream with the life that they could have got someday. Only when they accept the huge changes that the island has made on them and only when the feel the good influence that the other people that we met on the island, they will be prepared for advance.  Are they going to the purgatory? Are they going to become ghosts? Are they going to reincarnate in an animal? Each religion says us different explanations, and each person has one vision about the previous minutes of the death and about what is really death. Lost had taught us about the good and the bad things, the faith and the science, the life and the death, the chance and fate, but always in the point of view of some characters.

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