jueves, 6 de enero de 2011


Title: Bruc
Genre: Adventures
Directed by Daniel Benmayor
Script: Patxi Amézcua, Jordi Gasull
Stars: Juan José Ballesta, Vincent Perez, Santi Millán, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey, Nicolas Giraus, Moussa Maskri, Jerome Le Banner, Francesc Albiol, Marcel Borrás, Albert Vidal, Justin  Blanckaert.
Nacionality: Spain

When the Napoleon’s army discovers that their first defeat was caused by a mountain boy, a coal who caused panic among his troops, send six thousand battle-hardened mercenaries on a mission: catch Napoleon in the Montserrat’s mountains and cut his head. He wanted hang her head on the pace of the town. After killing their loved ones and frighten all the people with threats, they start looking for him in the Montserrat’s mountains.
                Bruc (Juan José Ballesta) must fight alone for the first time to keep alive and to avenge his family. He becomes in a symbol of liberty and hope for his country that differences him in a hero who got defeated the invincible army of Napoleon Bonaparte. 

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