jueves, 6 de enero de 2011

El idioma imposible

Title: El idioma imposible.
Genre: Drama
Directed by Rodrigo Rodero
Script: Michel Gaztambide, Rodrigo Rodero
Stars:  Andrés Gertrudix, Irene Escolar, Helena Miquel, Karra Elejalde, Roger Pera, Isabel Ampudia, Natalia Mateo, Pau Cólera, Toni Álamo, Raquel González.


Fernando is living in the middle of red light district of Barcelona. He seeks his life peddling amphetamines and alternating with a peculiar gallery of sinister characters. In one of those stolen sunrises of the live, Fernando will meet Elsa. Elsa is a sweet teenager with a strange and self-destructive personality. She will become the grater addiction of Fernando’s life.
They together will try to survive in a shadowy Barcelona which at the end of the day is taken by the society’s renegades and their particular codes.

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