jueves, 6 de enero de 2011


Title: Mystikal
Genre: Adventures, Fantasy.
Directed by Ángel Alonso
Script: Joan Álvarez
Stars: Iban Garate, Savitri Ceballos, Ramón Agirre.
Nationality: Spain


                In a past edge, in an imaginary world dominated by the shadows, three wizards manage to defeat the evil and put him in three Pandora’s boxes. Each wizard must save and protect with their own life one of the boxes: war, pest and hunger. If the spectra manage to free oneself, gates’ hell which drive to the death will open.
                An act of stupidity of Eldyn, she released to the warlord who moves up to join his brothers, plague and hunger. The desperation and the horror takes hold of its inhabitants. The end of times is near.
                Eldyn is a dwarf magician’s learner. Fira is a fary.  Both together with Evaristo and the dragon must save the world. They undertake an adventure that will change their lives forever. Their mission is to return the spectra to their boxes. They will enter into the magical forest where they meet colorful characters and they face up many dangers.

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