sábado, 9 de abril de 2011


Well, I am going at the end of this blog. It has been eight thousand worlds. I put on it my own reflections. I admit that almost all of my reflections were about the same theme: Life. But it is what is really important for us, isn’t it? I wrote about two series that I recommend everybody to see, and finally I write about the Slow Movement too. 

Slow Movement

Slow movement is a cultural current that promotes calm human activities. The Slow Movement proposes to take control of time. This is aimed by giving priority to activities that lead to the development of people, finding a balance between the uses of technology and taking time to enjoy activities such as taking a walk or sharing a meal with other people. The believers of this movement think that the most important things in life should not be accelerated. This movement appeared at 1986 in Rome. It was an objection against the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Piazza di Spagna.

Some days ago I have discovered that a mattress company is using this protest to promote itself. The company encouraged two young persons to being locked in a little room with the indispensable elements and a very big bed. Cami has 33 years, she said that she dedicates her life bringing tranquility to the others. Iván, who have 36 years old, agrees with her. Both, Cami and Iván wanted to defend this movement. They want to live without stress. They have a web: www.40diasenlacama.com . In this website you can see them at present time. They both have a blog too. In the blog the write every day, telling us all his movements. According to my knowledge of this protest, I think that each day, they both expend the day doing one theme like: the rural life, driving, traveling, cities, clothes, education…   

I am really impressed about the occurrence of FLEX. This idea has given different feelings. I think that is another silly way to promote the company and it does not worth all the support that they are receiving. After all they are making money with the condition of being in a bed for forty days and staying in front of a webcam. I have to admit that being forty days in front a cam does not be easy for me. What about you? What do you believe? I dare you to give your conclusion there.

The 1000 Mirrors' House

Time ago I heard a beautiful story of a house with a thousand mirrors. I don’t know if it is a popular story but it is a good reflection.

One day, a little friendly dog came in an abandoned house. What was its surprise when it discovered another 1000 little cute doggies looking at it as nice as it. When it barked or wagged his tail, the other dogs answered the dog with the same gestures. ‘What a wonderful place’ –thought the dog- I will have to come here more often.

Another day, another dog came into the house. The other 1000 dogs look at it with mistrust and the dog had a bad sensation and felt that it never want to return back another day.
You are the only responsible of the face that you wear inside and outside you. Some of the most beautiful things are not possible to see or touch; they are felt with the heart.

Dear brother,

Dear brother,
You are not a kid. You are growing up and I passed for that some time ago. You are now a teenager and you can do more and better things. Be aware of this and be careful with what you do because at your age it is really easy to miss yourself. This is a new stage at your destiny; it is a new opportunity for becoming more complete internally. Imagine: it is like an open door in the heaven, you see the clouds (freedom) but you cannot touch them at all. Everything will arrive. What I am trying to say you is that you have to be awake and feel everything passes round you. There is not tomorrow for starting living, there is today. You have to try to demonstrate that you are better at something you like than the others. You must compartmentalize your life from now and choose what kind of person would you like to be. You must remember some important words: love, hate, help and time. LOVE and HATE are two feelings you will have to feel constantly. Luckily there is more love than hate in the life. You know?  A lot of persons are going to pass through your life, the only that worth are people who causes in you whichever of this feelings. Mournfully, there will be another people who will not cause any of these sensations. If you love anyone, you must take care after him or her. If you hate anyone is because of the person you hate someday brought something at your life, you wanted took care after this person but he or she hurts you. Try to fix it up if it has any solution. If it don’t, don’t be worthy about it. Eventually this person will give you equal. Believe me. HELP: sometimes, you will have to help the others and another time you will get help. But you must understand the world ‘help’, because it is really easy to become a weak person who always needs help or to became this kind of person who always is helping and never gets anything in change. Oh! I would like you to remember that time is like money, you should save it, not waste it. With this I don’t want you to say that you are banned to ‘buy’ your whims, of course yes! But only buy these whims that will make you feel happier. Finally, if anything should be clear in your mind is that nothing is impossible. You can be whatever you want. Everything starts in your imagination. You must imagine that you are the best at something and you will be able to achieve to be the best. If not, you only will be a dreamer. Your destiny is full of possibilities; do not miss this opportunity that life gave you. Are you ready? Your life is waiting you and you have to come out and go for her. 


Yesterday night my friends and I decided to listen to the songs that our generation used to sing. We had such a great time signing. Actually, we were arguing about how “instructive” were the Disney’s films which we watched when we were kids. It is true that it made us believe in a princess’ world but it show us a lot of human values. Disney’s films are full of moral contents. Who does not remember the Beauty and the Beast, for example? It shows us believing in the inner beauty. And what about Pocahontas? With this film we learn that we have to love people regardless their race like John Smith and Pocahontas. I could talk about Mulan, the fighter princess too. Or I could talk about The Lion King too. I am able to say a lot of films that contains any positive value to form us spiritually. But now, the films are changing. I think (and my friends too) that the kids are not enjoying the typical instructive animation films. Now these kind of films are about aliens, super villains and children who save the world with the company of a robot. It is quite different. And what about the Disney’s soundtracks? Almost all of my generation could sing at least one of the lots of soundtracks of these films, the songs had a very big moral value and they were catchiest. And now? Now nothing of these happens.


Well, the exams are going nearer and nearer. We have a lot of tasks to do and I am so stressed. I have panic at the exams and I am thinking how I can study and do all the things that I have to. Time ago I decided to make my own schedule of the homework that I have to do. Everything was perfect but today and part of yesterday I had problems. Almost all the homework depends on Internet, the Aula virtual, information, the homework of Documentación EVERYTHING that I had already planned for these two days. New technologies are good, are useless and faster than the other media for searching information and read news … But, on the other hand, I would like to say that sometimes these technologies fail. Sometimes the information which are we looking for is not correct at all because of everybody is internet. Sometimes Internet fails and if it happens, it will make me spend a lot of time with my homework. This is just the fact that was happening to me for 2 followed days. I think that is increasing our dependency from internet and this is bad. We think that Google is the world (OF COURSE NOT).  Is very comfortable and easy to use but it can make you to make mistakes. It makes me spend two whole afternoons and I became stressed. Finally, at night, the problems on the red were fixed and I decided to spend all the night (since 5 AM) doing part of the homework and I realized that I need more than 24 hours a day to get it all. But I’m sure that I can! I always can, though it costs me a lot and although I couldn’t sleep enough. 

How I Met Your Mother

First of all I want to say that this series have been very criticized because of his similarities with ‘Friends’ another American sitcom that was running between 1994 and 2004.

The sitcom reflects the story of how the main character, Ted, met the mother of his two sons. The present Ted is at the year 2030, and decides to tell his sons the story of how he met their mother and the story starts at 2004, when he met Robin Schertbastsky. Since that day, Ted will live a huge number of adventures together with his friends: Marshall, Lily, Barney and Robin. He would meet a lot of different woman in order to marry with one of them and lay his head down. The sitcom is now running; actually the 6th season is being broadcasted at the moment. I recommend you to see this series if you want to laugh and pass a great time.